Junior Coder for App Development (10 - 22 years) | IT Company in Bangladesh


Junior coders, aged 10 to 22, Begin on a complete app development training program. Modified to their age group, App Development course introduces the fundamentals of coding, app design, and development. Through engaging and age-appropriate modules, young learners explore programming languages, UI/UX principles, and teamwork. Hands-on projects provide practical experience, Promoting creativity and problem-solving skills.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help Junior Coder get started with app development Training:

  1. Choose a Platform:
    • Decide whether you want to develop apps for Android, iOS, or both.
    • For Android, you’ll use Flutter, React Native, Java or Kotlin, and for Flutter, React Native , iOS, you’ll use Swift or Objective-C.
  2. Learn the Basics of Programming:
    • As a junior coder you need If you’re new to programming, start with a beginner-friendly language like Python or JavaScript.
    • Understand concepts like variables, data types, loops, conditionals, and functions.
  3. Learn a Programming Language:
    • For Android: Java or Kotlin.
    • For iOS: Swift or Objective-C.
    • Cross platform: Flutter and React Native
  4. Setup Development Environment:
    • You need to install the necessary tools and IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for your chosen platform.
    • For Android, use Android Studio.
    • For iOS, use Xcode.
  5. Understand Basic UI/UX Concepts:
    • We Familiarize every student with user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) principles.
    • Learn how to design user-friendly interfaces.
  6. Get Familiar with App Architecture:
    • Learn to understand the basic architecture of mobile applications.
    • For Android, learn about activities, fragments, and the Android Manifest.xml file.
    • For iOS, learn about ViewControllers, Storyboards, and the App Delegate.
  7. Explore Frameworks and Libraries:
    • We also tech for Android, understand the Android SDK and popular libraries like Retrofit, Picasso, etc.
    • For iOS, explore UIKit, Cocoa Touch, and popular libraries like Alamofire, SD Web Image, etc.
  8. Build Simple Apps:
    • At first we start with small projects.
    • Also create basic applications with a focus on user interfaces, navigation, and data handling.
  9. Understand Data Storage:
    • We also learn the student how to store and retrieve data using databases or other storage solutions.
    • For Android, use SQLite, Room, or Firebase.
    • For iOS, use Core Data or Firebase.
  10. Testing and Debugging:
    • We always Learn student how to test your applications and debug issues.
    • And understand the importance of testing for a smooth user experience.
  11. Publishing Your App:
    • Familiarize to student with the process of publishing apps on Google Play (Android) or the App Store (iOS).
    • We also understand app store guidelines and requirements.
  12. Stay Updated:
    • Mobile app development is a rapidly evolving field, so stay updated with the latest tools, frameworks, and best practices.
  13. Join the Developer Community:
    • We have App developer group so that student get help from this group.


App Development training aims to instill a passion for technology, App Development Future Preparing the next generation with valuable skills for the digital era. We have experienced instructors; these junior coders build a foundation for future innovation and potentially launch their journey into the world of technology with Bangla soft Computer. App developer contact number